Monday, July 24, 2006

New Illinois Tattoo Law

One of my gripes about getting tattooed is that the Red Cross treats us like prostitutes and/or I.V. drug users. Illinois is now one of the few states that have passed a law to regulate tattoos and piercings in order to remedy that problem (hopefully) and I can't see why any legitimate tattoo facility would have an issue with it.
According to the Chicago Sun Times, "Senate Bill 927 makes it possible for those with tattoos or piercings to donate blood without a yearlong wait. According to the new law, tattoo and body piercing facilities must fulfill health and safety requirements, such as sterilization and sanitation techniques, to receive certification. The new law also requires the Illinois Department of Public Health (DPH) or a designee to inspect tattoo and body piercing parlors to ensure that they comply with state standards. "
You can read the complete story here.


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